Jackson Bunting

Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Washington.

I am an econometrician interested in applied microeconomics. My current research focuses on structural approaches to panel data. I received my Ph.D. in Economics from Duke University in 2021, and was previously an Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University. CV (pdf).

Working papers

[1]  Marginal homogeneity tests with panel data with Federico Bugni and Muyang Ren. | arxiv, August 2024. (abstract)

[2]  Testing homogeneity in dynamic discrete games in finite samples with Federico Bugni and Takuya Ura | arxiv, August 2024. (abstract)

[3]  Faster estimation of dynamic discrete choice games using index invertibility with Takuya Ura | arxiv, July 2024. (abstract)

[4]  Continuous permanent unobserved heterogeneity in dynamic discrete choice models | arxiv, February 2024. (abstract)

[5]  Heterogeneity, Uncertainty and Learning: Semiparametric Identification and Estimation with Paul Diegert and Arnaud Maurel | arxiv, NBER, February 2024. (abstract)


[6]  On the iterated estimation of dynamic discrete choice games with Federico Bugni | Review of Economic Studies, 2021. (arxiv drafts, abstract)

Ongoing research

Estimating dynamic discrete choice games under the steady state assumption with Federico Bugni.
